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Runtime: 0:03:40
Country: France
Language: French
Year: 2020

Minister calls for tender for future strategic government investment. He meets two businessmen. They will do everything to obtain the government contract. An unforeseen event will however change the situation...

Directed By Anaïs Honvault Zborowski, Bob Fokoua

Anaïs Honvault Zborowski
Bob Fokoua

Anaïs Honvault Zborowski - Writer
Bob Fokoua - Writer
Anaïs Honvault Zborowski - Producer
Bob Fokoua - Producer

Runtime: 0:03:40
Country: France
Language: French
Country of Filming: France
Student Project: No
Completion Date: 1/15/2020
Year: 2020
First-time Filmmaker: No